Mickey Mouse Shaped Uterus…

I was a little nervous before the sonohysterogram as I was told to take 2 Advil prior and to bring a heavy pad for afterward. They put a catheter into your fallopian tubes to make sure there are no blockages and they look at your uterus as well.

The good news is that it was not bad at all. It felt like mild period cramps during the procedure and that lasted for a few hours after, but nothing unbearable. I also did not bleed at all so that was great.

The less ideal news was that the Doctor said I had a Mickey Mouse shaped uterus…and that she had never seen that before. Um, pardon? What does this mean? Is this good or bad? You have NEVER seen this before? And you have been doing these for years? Cool…

Naturally, as soon as I got home I played Dr.Google and they told me that depending on the shape it can increase risk of miscarriage…cool. I don’t advise you play Dr. Google.